Crown Me
A poem by Julia R. DeStefano
Crown Me
It is snowing.
I need a soul that will join my soul.
Trembling bells to ring out with mine.
Bodies losing their loneliness once and for all,
like the photographs that line albums of years’ past -
hand-in-hand, cheek-to-cheek,
joined at the hip-to-hip.
Comforted by the couch, the bed,
by the cherished doorway to your room
as the doorway to mine.
I’ve known you forever and the day
your hand found me.
My boots plunge hard into the frozen earth,
footfalls of a stubborn lioness
refusing to retract the beats of her heart
with an ear pressed to her soul,
honoring her visions.
Trying to fend off the chill
gnawing at her bones
because we love each other,
and life rushes through us.
Now crown me.
© Julia R. DeStefano